Piacom implements EGAS_ERP project in Laos

On February 17, 2016, Petrolimex Information Technology and Telecommunication JSC (PIACOM), and Lao State Fuel Company (LSFC) launched a project to supply and apply the enterprise resource planning management software, EGAS_ERP, in Vientiane, Laos.
Leaders from both sides are present at the launching ceremony of the project
Attendees the launching ceremony included LSFC Deputy Director and Head of the EGAS_ERP project, Phayboun Phomphaphithak, The leadership, heads of departments/divisions and LSFC members of the EGAS_ERP project team; Piacom leadership, representatives of divisions/departments and Piacom members of the EGAS_ERP project team.
Following the opening speech by LSFC Deputy Director and Head of the EGAS_ERP project, Phayboun Phomphaphithak, Director of the PM & ERP Service Centre and Head Administrator of the EGAS_ERP project, Tran Quang Hung, on behalf of the PIACOM project division, presented objectives of the project, work scope, implementation plans and methods, organisation of the PIACOM project team, methods to exchange information between two sides, and elements necessary for the success of the project.
Director of PM&ERP Service Centre, and Head Administrator of the EGAS_ERP PIACOM project, Tran Quang Hung, introduces EGAS_ERP software to the ceremony attendees
Members of the project team from both companies had a lively discussion on professional junctions, technical features, preparations for the information and technology infrastructure, and co-ordination methods to carry out the project.
Members discuss methods to implement the project
The two sides signed a contract in Vientiane on January 19, 2016, under which PIACOM would supply and apply the EGAS_ERP management software for LSFC in five subsystems of Material Management (MM), Sale and Distribution (SD), Financial Accounting (FI), Management Accounting (CO) and Warehouse Management (WM). As planned, the software would be applied at the main headquarters in October, 2016, and then at seven branches and 19 warehouses of LSFC. The project is of importance to PIACOM in its strategy to development markets abroad. The implementation of the project shortly after the lunar New Year holidays demonstrates the determination of both companies to complete the project as scheduled.