American Petroleum Institute (API) grants Quality Certification for Petrolimex Lubricants

Over recent years, Petrolimex Petrochemicals Corporation (PLC) continuously upgraded and developed high grade engine oils and registered for quality certification at American Petroleum Institute (API).
In 2012, PLC was granted quality certification for high grade engine oil PLC Cater CI-4 by API Certification Marks CI-4/SL.
In 2013, PLC continued registering with API for quality certification marks for high grade gasoline engine oil PLC Racer SM.
On September 19, 2013 API informed that quality certification of API SM was given to PLC Racer SM. This is the high quality multi-grade engine oil for gasoline engines of newest make. PLC Racer has the function to protect the engine maximally and meets the most stringent requirement by gasoline engine manufacturers.
PLC Racer SM is officially announced on the API website by following link:
PLC Racer SM was produced by PLC at Nha Be Lubricant Plant at Ho Chi Minh City and Thuong Ly Plant at Hai Phong ; the product is packed in 209liter drums, 4liter cans and sold widely at distribution network of PLC nation wide: oil retail stations of Petrolimex, distribution agents, outlet agents and big industrial clients.
Following is the look of PLC Racer SM: